Friday 15 April 2011

Liz McClarnon party update

So this morning we bought you the news that we’d tried and failed to get into Liz McClarnon’s 30th birthday party last night (as you do), only to be thwarted by the PR would had said we could come down in the first place. Embarrassing.

Well it seems even Liz would have been happy for us to be there, the lovely lady herself has just been on the phone to us to say the following,

“I’ve only just heard about what happened last night and I’m so sorry. I love heat magazine and you would have been more than welcome to come and join the party. I wish I’d known about this at the time so I could have sorted it out. I owe you a very large glass of wine next time I see you!”

What. An. Actual. Sweetheart. Appaz Mrs.PR pants who represents the restaurant the event was held at and not McClarnon herself didn’t even check with Liz and her gang if we’d be alright to pop in and say hi (eat some cake). OOPS. Bit awkward.

P.S Sorry to Liz for any offence caused to you personally, we were just jealous we couldn’t get to join in the fun, we’d got our best shoes on and everything.

P.P.S We’re definitely up for wine, let’s split the cost and take a bottle.

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