Monday 18 April 2011

Brooke Mueller Returns To Rehab Following Relapse

Not winning! Brooke Mueller is back in rehab after a relapse in her ongoing addiction to crack cocaine sent the former real estate agent trying to pawn items in a desperate bid to come up with drug money.

On April 15, the former wife of equally-troubled star Charlie Sheen refused a drug test, which she was required to submit to as part of her custody settlement with Sheen, 45. Mueller’s move is a pre-emptive strike as Charlie’s lawyers prepare to return to court to seek an amendment to the living arrangement of Brooke and Charlie’s two-year-old twin sons, Bob and Max.

Over the weekend, posted surveillance video it says shows Brooke trying to hock a stereo and jewelry at an Inglewood pawn shop. Sources say Mueller — who recently shot a reality series with socialite pal Paris Hilton — disappeared during a drug binge last week, ending nearly a year of reported sobriety. The 33-year-old was desperately trying to get cash for the two items but the store would not make the purchase because she did not have a valid ID, an employee at the shop, Jack Feldman, told the site.

Mueller’s mom, Moira Fiore, claims her daughter was simply at the pawn shop selling items for a friend, as a favor. Not true, say friends of Sheen, who blame Brooke for shoving Charlie off the wagon. In an email obtained by The Daily last month, Sheen’s mother, Janet Templeton, challenged reports that her son was responsible for leading Mueller down a destructive path.

“Brooke [Mueller] had been to 13 rehabs before meeting Charlie. She drank and drugged during pregnancy and had such a party girl rep before she met him,” Templeton wrote. “[Sheen] had been sober for some time before he met her and we were convinced that she would be his downfall. She is only happy when she knows he is in trouble or miserable. She is so very sick,” the email added.

Read more:’s-estranged-wife-brooke-mueller-tries-to-pawn-stereo,-jewelry_12783232#ixzz1JrsZlLGL

Sheen’s marriage to the former real estate agent fell apart following a Christmas Day assault in Aspen back in 2009. Mueller told police her husband straddled her on a bed with one hand grasping her neck and the other holding a knife. The couple filed for divorce in November and the split is expected to be finalized this May. In addition to her monthly child support payments, Mueller received a multimillion dollar divorce settlement from the ex-Two and a Half Men star.

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