Friday 15 April 2011

Adele pervs over Katy Perry boobs

While Adele’s not busy selling a squillion gazillion copies of her album 21 or using £50 notes as Post-Its*, she’s been talking about liking other pop stars’ boobs and bums. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga’s in particular – but who doesn’t have a bit of a girl crush on those two?

“I love seeing Lady Gaga’s boobs and bum, and I love seeing Katy Perry’s boobs and bum,” she told Rolling Stone magazine. “Love it.”

Even though she’s outed herself as a bum-and-boob-in-pop fan, Adele’s vowed not to get her bits out. Ever.

“That’s not what my music is about,” she says. “I don’t make music for eyes. I make music for ears. I don’t like going to the gym. I like eating fine foods and drinking nice wine. Even if I had a really good figure, I don’t think I’d get my t*** and ass our for no one.”

*she doesn’t actually do this. But we’d like to think rich people do.

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